Thursday, July 12, 2007

My old-time favorite visual kei band - Luna Sea !! Visual kei is a movement in Japan which features eccentric looks. I first come across Luna Sea is when my brother bought a cd full of j-pop songs, and it was my first move towards liking j-pop and j-rock songs. Some of my favorites are those like Speed, Suzuki Ami, Yutaka Ozaki, Ryuichi Kawamura(vocalist of Luna Sea), and many others. From there, i started liking j-drama also, which i still enjoys it very much. Here are some of the Luna Sea's works, which i enjoyed it very much, after having their Period:The Best Selection.

Luna Sea - Rosier

Luna Sea - Wish

Luna Sea - Shine

Luna Sea - Storm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.