Titled : Gubra
This is a sequel to the show, Sepet that was introduced by Yeow Chong, a story of a malay girl with a chinese boy, reflecting the societal aspects in Malaysia. The sequel to the story, Sepet, continues on the married life of Orked, that continues on her life, as the death of Jason still lingers in her mind, shown as Alan, Jason's brother brought her to Jason's room and showed the unsend letters from Jason, and the photos that they shared.
The story continues on with a young Malay couple, whose neighbours are the 2 prostitutes,Temah and Kiah which they didn't despise but, continued to encourage them and gave them support, but spiritually and mentally as they provide religious lessons for them, and for their sons, Adam and Shahrin.
The young couple supported Temah, as she realises that she contracted HIV, by giving her spiritual support by offering her religious lessons, and to teach her how to read Arabic and Al-Qur'an. Kiah, on the other hand, wanted to collect money for some unknown reason, chooses the client, who actually abused her physically, and the most painful scenes that i watched, is when he throws the money at her when she was sitting on the bed, and the bad remark that he received when he walked out to the taxi, that says that the"stray dogs are better than you, you animal".
Another story unfolds, regarding Orked when she found out that her spouse having an affair with another girl, that despite his effort to earn the forgiveness from Orked, she couldnt continue on with him, and so she had to break up with him.
Ultimately, the stories are about the lives of the women. While, some are enjoying their good life, marrying the right spouse (like Orked's parents, the young Malay couple), while some of them are being abused, and others are being betrayed, and one who seek to stop fighting with each other, and who just that she can run away from the spiral of unforgiveness. I, myself am particularly touched by the stories, of how different women going through their lives, and the part where Jason's father seek to forgive his wife when she said that they have been fighting for most of their married life, like she was giving way to reestablish back their intimate relationship.
The last part, is where the actors, and the actresses who are having prayers, and hence the story ends with it.